February 7-9, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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February 7-9, 2024
Hyatt Regency Dallas

Panel Discussion: Mature Engines: Capacity & Scope of Shop Visits

  • Thursday, February 29, 2024:2:30 PM - 3:15 PM


How are services for major fleets, including the CFM56 & V2500, developing as they move towards the mature end of their lifecycle? What specific services are being utilized to keep these engines serviceable? Is a shifting balance of airline and lessor ownership changing the maintenance requirements of airlines? Is this a market where OEMs, airline operated shops and independents can compete equally?

    Anthony Spaulding
    President & CEO
    Magellan Aviation Group
    Bo Lump
    SVP Business Development
    SR Technics
    Muazzi Hatem
    VP Engineering
    Global Engine Maintenance
    Sean Thomas
    Director, Engine Repair & Overhaul
    United Airlines
    Wasim Akhtar
    Director of Engines
    AJW Group